Languages Learning

Ruqaiya Shaik

Ruqaiya Shaik

Ruqaiya Shaik is holding Diploma in Arabic Reading, Writing and Beautiful Recitation. As its my Passion and teaching Arabic since 2020. I provide Online and Home tuition from my own house.

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Zainab Ara

Zainab Ara

Zainab Ara is Hafiza. As its my Passion and willing to help others Hif-zul Quraan. I provide Online and Home tuition from my own house.

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Asif Azam

Asif Azam

Mohammed Asif Azam holding Master degree M.A URDU. As its my Passion into teaching since 1995. I provide Online spoken and written Urdu training programs.

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Zaker Siddique

Zaker Siddique

Zaker Siddique Being a Poet is a talent of writing poetry and training as well to become a poet contact me. I provide Online training for the passionate upcoming poets.

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