Committed to provide Education for All
Our mission is to develop and amplify innovative solutions to significant education challenges worldwide.
Childhood Education International (formerly, the Association for Childhood Education International), has been in operation since 1892. Throughout our esteemed history, we have remained committed to one central mission: ensuring children’s education worldwide. We believe that children’s education is deeply intertwined with issues such as equality, justice, and human rights and that education is at the center of international development as one of the most effective ways to support social, economic, and human progress.
Our vision is to transform education so that every child has access to quality and equitable care and education experiences that uphold their right to learn. In order to secure the right to learn for every child, we also must ensure their overall well-being – their health, safety, protection, and growth. Ultimately, we believe that educating children is the key to a better world for all.
We want all children to learn and grow, but we give special attention to the most vulnerable and fragile children who may wish to be in school and learning but may not have opportunities to do so. We understand the value of education not only because it can change lives positively, but also because it is a stimulus for community development, peace, security, and our hope for the future. Our global perspective means our programs and services can be delivered in many communities and nations with relative ease and minimal modification. We believe in empowering communities to create education experiences that are relevant to their education needs, the context of their community, and their unique cultures.
Founder Message
Founders statement
We believe a good school is all about its teachers co operation, guidance and friendly environment although the discipline needs to be strict, a good school is one which takes care of its pupils in a manner that ensure them to get a bright future for dealing with life. The learning module is based on technique of thinking, questioning and reasoning. It is the good sign of a school to transmit the knowledge for various fields and also necessary to nourish and appreciate the idea and imagination of its pupils. According to us a good school needs to focus not only on academic skills but also on physical development, mental growth, emotions and sensitivity. We think child should be filled with all rounded personalities rather than just academic knowledge. A school should take care whether its pupils have the feelings of caring, sharing, compromising, mercy and other such qualities or not, which would enable them to become a good human being in their future. In addition the basic things like give respect to their parents, teachers, seniors; basic manners & etiquettes; kindness; children must learn from their school. A school should assess their students on their daily performance basis so that we can see their each and every day development. We believe teaching of a good school should innovatively structured so that each child’s personality can develop and self confidence can grow. As Nelson Mandela told, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”; so for us, a good school can change the life and future of its students.
Our Initiatives
How Are We Developing Global Competence at Mission Global Education?
The Center for Global Education at WnnSchool has a vision that, in an interconnected global era, all youth from all countries and cultures will have the capacity to create, participate in, and benefit from a peaceful and prosperous world.
We are working toward this vision to accomplish this through a variety of initiatives, professional development offerings, partnerships, and resources, and we work with educators, school districts, parents, and communities to ensure that they have the tools and support they need to globalize learning and better prepare young people for our global future. Explore our initiatives at the links below, or contact us for more information.